Our Programs

Spay Virginia
Spay Virginia is a program of the Virginia Federation of Humane Societies. Our goal is to work with shelters, local governments, rescue groups and private veterinarians to provide pet owners and caregivers in Virginia with access to convenient and affordable spay/neuter services. By spaying or neutering your pet, you may be giving your pet the gift of a healthier and happier life AND you will be preventing unwanted and unplanned litters of puppies and kittens from being added to the hundreds of dogs and cats already in Virginia shelters.

High Five Virginia
High Five is dedicated to reducing the euthanasia of healthy and treatable animals in Virginia by the transfer of animals from under-resourced and rural counties to areas where their chances of adoption are far greater. Moving animals from one location to another can result in a decrease in length of stay, a more diverse selection of animals for adopters and a decrease in euthanasia overall.

Save VA Pets
Save VA Pets, a program of VFHS, recognizes that resources need to expand beyond the walls of a shelter or rescue and into communities to best address the challenges faced in animal welfare. This program provides diverse support for spay/neuter, animal transport, training, education and guidance on policies and practices that support increased adoptions and progressive life saving specific to the community’s needs.